Birthing Tales
in French medical works c.1500-1650
This is a companion site to my 2013 book Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern France. Treatises by caring physicians and surgeons (1581-1625), translation and critical edition of Rousset, Liebault, Guillemeau, Duval and de Serres, (Iter Press University of Toronto).
Research events:
Knowledge Exchange project with Library and archives of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, and with De Partu: Celebrating 500 years of pregnancy and birth: click here to view the Guide to the archival poster display currently on view in the Education Centre of the RCOG.
Introduction | About the texts | Editions of the Texts

« About nine years ago, I was called to deliver a gentlewoman who came the Anjou region, who was only in her seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. I found her in full labour, she was kneeling for the delivery as women in her region do […]. As soon as the child was born, I was preparing to deliver the placenta, but found another child who presented feet first, whom I pulled out. »
Valerie Worth-Stylianou Trinity College, University of Oxford | research website: |
Récits de Naissance
dans les ouvrages français de médecine de 1500 à 1650
Ce site vous permettra de découvrir l’évolution de mes recherches depuis la parution de mon livre Les Traités d'obstétrique en langue française au seuil de la modernité, (Droz, 2007).
Introduction | Choix des textes | Établissement des textes

« Je fuz appellée il y a environ neuf ans, pour accoucher une Damoiselle du pays d’Anjou, laquelle n’estoit grosse que de sept mois huict moys. Je la trouvay en grand travail, elle accouchoit en la façon de son pays à genoux […]. Si tost qu’elle fut accouchée, la voulant delivrer, je trouvay un autre enfant qui se presentoit les pieds devant, lequel je tiray. »
Valerie Worth-Stylianou Trinity College, University of Oxford | publications : |